Friday, April 9, 2010

My Personal Opinion on The New Health Care Plan

There are several reasons for why I disagree with the new “Health Care Bill". American citizens should already know that there are distinct functions of government that should protect all American citizens and their rights. Our government provides for us, through our military branches, a national defense to keep us safe, a judicial system that protects the innocent and punishes the guilty, guarantees the preservation of individual rights and liberties which includes but is not limited to freedom of speech or the right to bear arms. These are things specifically outlined in the document known as our United States Constitution. Where in our Constitution does it state that anyone is "entitled" to health insurance, retirement benefits, food stamps, social security, (and public education for that matter)? These newly formed or expanded welfare and entitlement programs will diminish the ambition and drive from many of our country's citizenry.

Due to the unemployment numbers rising, the lack of confidence in finding jobs and the hopelessness of it for many has caused more people to look to the government to take care of them. You are entitled to the "pursuit of happiness" but there is no guarantee of happiness, and a person’s pursuit of happiness does not entitle anyone to make an indirect claim on mine, or for that matter anyone else’s productivity by receiving benefits that I work and pay for. Our government is dealing a highly addictive drug, and that drug is "entitlements". The government does not only do this because they want everyone to have health care. It's either because they don't have faith in the citizens to make decisions for themselves or it seems that our government may be trying to build a foundation of power and control. The government can then maintain the control a dealer has over the addict. Many of us, as U.S. citizens, may soon become dependent on government welfare and the expanded entitlement programs offered. The next generations that are growing up today will always have their hands out asking for more help when things are not going their way rather than working that extra job to pay for an education, a second car or a newborn baby. This may become a way of life.

Working for what you have builds strength, character, and the willingness to go that extra mile to accomplish something that is meaningful or that was your choice to do (such as having a child). It feels great to accomplish difficult tasks. You derive a sense of accomplishment and pride. It sets examples for younger children to follow to be able to take care of themselves when they grow up. This country was built by the hard work of our forefathers. Their blood, sweat and tears gave us the opportunities we now have to be unique and fulfill our dreams. It's sad driving down the road and seeing a group of government workers repairing a road and two are working and six are watching. In private industry you will not have your job if you don't work or produce. This will get worse if people are given food, housing, clothes and now health care. What's left? The more dependent people become upon government, the more the government will control our lives, our choices, our money and…etc.

Logically, it makes no sense to have a right to something that someone else must provide with no benefit to the person that is being forced to make the sacrifices. I believe it will slowly take away all the incentive to work those long hours or second job when you see others receiving handouts or benefiting because they choose not to work to pay for their choices they've made. And why would they if the government will pay for it? Already retirees who have worked and planned for retirement will loose the benefits that had been given to them from some of these large corporations (AT&T for one) only because the health care bill make the companies pay taxes on the benefits now as income where it was subsidized by the government before. These companies do not have to give these retirees these benefits, however the government will make you buy it or penalize you if you loose the health care benefit that had been provided. Most retirees live on a fixed income and will be burdened to pay for this new expense. This is only one example of why the government needed to take more time when passing legislation that may be hurting many of those they had not considered before. Already it is being challenged in many states as unconstitutional but as sad as this is, the CBO did not use these retirees in their figures when estimating these health care costs.

Now there will be thousands in need of help from the government who like I mentioned are on fixed budgets and were receiving retirement benefits. They may now have to pay for it or suffer penalties. The government is not the answer for our problems. These politicians were voted in by the people and the people have and will make our country thrive once again if we focus on job creation to make money, not spend money we don't have now. We do need reform but not by increasing the deficit by 3 or 4 times. This is what people must come to understand if we are to remain sovereign as a nation.

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