Thursday, May 6, 2010

The United States National Government Through My Eyes...

The U.S. National government is an essential part of America whose powers were defined in our Constitution. The government is designed to protect its citizens and allow the same to prosper as its laws allow. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the right of each person to the pursuit of happiness. Congress writes the laws and the people elect the Congress. These checks and balances have worked well protecting our citizens over these past few hundred years making it possible for almost anyone to live out their dream whether you are a citizen or even an immigrant.

The three branches of government, The Executive (President), The Legislative (Congress) and Judicial (Supreme Court) insure that power is limited to protect the people. Congress has more than adequately protected Americans from attack through our diverse military and it's actions. Congress provides funding for our branches of military with the President as our Commander-in-Chief. Since the mid 1800's government has expanded its role in America causing some to argue against government expansion and to point out that the Constitution was designed to limit government in the society and protect the people from potential abuses of power. That seems to be the argument even today that government may be getting too big. I believe that our government has provided the protection through it's laws to promote the climate for people from all over the world to chase dreams that would not have otherwise been provided in their own countries. Our freedoms provided in our Constitution are overseen and guaranteed by our government and cannot be found in most other countries. How many American's can go to Iran, Syria, Libya or North Korea to set up a business, believe in any number of religions (or not believe) as they want, freely speak in a public forum against the government, or choose to come or go freely between borders? I do know that people from openly hostile countries have been able to live in America and enjoy the same benefits and protections that our Constitution provides it's citizens and allowed successes in businesses, freely practice their religions, and have the same freedom of speech that has made our country what is known by many as the most generous and one of the most desirable places in the world to live.

Whether you are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim, whether you are Comanche, Cherokee, Blackfoot or Apache or whether you are blind, deaf, crippled, homeless or sick or if you are a minority or of a disadvantaged people, all citizens and or peoples as written in our laws and our Constitution are to be equally protected by our government. The united states citizens are not necessarily from a particular place, however they are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom that our government both protects and also enables us to live a life found only in America and the protection for those same peoples is outlined in our Constitution and overseen by our government.

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