Friday, February 26, 2010

ObamaCare at Ramming Speed

The article I have chosen to critique is from The Wall Street Journal. The article takes a deeper look into Obama’s new health care plan, and what he really has in store for the American people. The author’s point of view is obviously targeted for a conservative audience and is opposed to the Health Care Bill President Obama wishes to see through Congress despite the massive political and public opposition. Obama plans to, as the author states, “give the voters what they don't want anyway”. He goes on to discuss how Obama speaks constantly of decreasing the nationally debt, less spending, less taxes, and his beloved promise of “change” for the American people. But how is that possible when his healthcare plan calls to increase federal spending on Medicaid, Welfare and so many more public government programs? By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of the costs of this healthcare plan will be transferred to the federal spending as well, thus inevitably increasing taxes for everyone. Obama’s promise of having the option to keep your “grandfather plan” (current plan) if you wish is also a complete lie. Once and if his healthcare reform bill is passed, the government plans to impose “consumer protection” in the form of sanctions. Incidents like the “Cornhusker Kickback” when the president bribed the Senator of Nebraska for his vote will be happening in other states all over the country. The plan also calls for the expansion of our current welfare plan, raising the poverty line so that such help can be applied to families in need. The democrats are determined to push through this plan though it is virtually absent of any real reform. Pushing through this economic plan is symbolic to the Democrats as they are determined to be seen as progressives, no matter what the cost/implications end up being for the American people. It seems to me, that they wish to impose “change” just for change’s sake, which could end up being a very dangerous thing for our country.

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