Friday, February 12, 2010

Why Not Back Up Before We Go Forwards?

In this article from The Wall Street Journal, It discusses Obama’s Budget Plan for 2010. It seems to me that in my life that I must be reasonable about my own spending and that the government should be able to do the same. Money allocated to wasteful projects should be cut from the government's budget before we can begin to be expected to accept the deficit spending. I would hope that our government could do what a 20 year old girl must do in that if she doesn't have it she doesn't spend it. Some of these government projects would be laughable except it is with our money and no plans to have balanced budget in this newest proposed budget. How about a surplus of cash in the government? Why not? Can it be done by eliminating wasteful spending? In keeping with the spirit of taxing the wealthier people and large corporations, why would the government propose to spend 11 million dollars to build a bridge between two of Microsoft's facilities when Microsoft has billions in surplus cash. Why should we be expected to pay for spring training facilities for two professional baseball teams? Yes, 30 million dollars to the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies for spring training facilities. I do not agree with this, I think that many projects could be eliminated or reevaluated to at least do a better job of balancing the budget, not continue with a deficit especially when our money isn't being spent well to begin with.

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